In this talk i would like to highlight a new tool from company. How it could improve your daily workflow and how our world could look better if there will be more funds on core python tools development.
Golem ( is a decentralized, open-source marketplace for computing power, where users willing to share their resources let others use their machines for a small fee. Ray ( on the other hand, is an open-source framework for scaling Python applications. It specializes in tooling for AI/ML applications, but at the same time, it is based on Ray Core which understands every piece of generic Python code. Ray on Golem makes it super easy to set up and use Golem Network to scale your Ray application. We are going to show you an example of a Ray application executed on a cluster of Golem nodes.
I started my professional adventure with some C/C++ backend development when Python 2.5 wasn’t even released. After over a decade of agile coaching and agile community animating (AgileWarsaw and AgileByExample) I am now serving as the Product Manager of Ray on Golem - a tool for scaling out Python computations.
I’m a developer with 20+ years of experience in various areas, including adventures with low-level graphics programming, plus several years of web development and network programming. Currently, I’m a senior software developer in Golem Network, taking care of its Python libraries and most recently, part of the team working on Ray on Golem.
We are on a path to become the single largest provider of commercial intelligence and automation across the travel and transportation industry. Starting with airlines, we provide the Cirrus Revenue Operating System™ that reshapes how travel and transportations businesses plan their commercial operation. We displace legacy data, forecasting, pricing, and reporting solutions with a single enterprise SaaS platform that leverages the latest advancements in deep learning, cloud computing, and user experience. Our hyper-accurate contextual forecasts enable the most effective scheduling, marketing, and leadership decisions while directly managing the pricing for billions of dollars worth of product and revenue.
Łamiemy stereotypy, walczymy z przeciętnością i zarażamy optymizmem. Zajmujemy się projektowaniem i budowaniem aplikacji webowych, dając naszym klientom miłość, jakość i wsparcie. Współtworzymy PyWaw i PyWaw Summit, angażujemy się w projekty pro bono i Open Source, jeździmy po świecie, żeby słuchać, przemawiać i "robić znajomych". Szukamy osób, których, tak jak nas, motywuje prawdziwa pasja oraz których talent i pozytywna postawa pomogą nam rozwijać zespół o rzadko spotykanej w tej części świata energii.