PyWaw #98

Poniedziałek, 22.11.2021 18:30

Konrad Gawda

Dash: dashboard jako single-page app

Poznamy podstawy frameworku do tworzenia interaktywnych dashboardów w formie single-page app. Pod maską biblioteka do tworzenia wykresów plotly oraz Flask.

Jarek Potiuk

Managing Python dependencies at scale

In this talk Jarek will talk about the challenges we faced when managing Apache Airflow dependencies at scale. Jarek will present the solutions that allowed Airflow to survive breaking one monolithic package into 70+ smaller ones and continue releasing Airflow for the last 3 years, despite a bit of a hostile environment of the Python dependency world, breaking changes in PyPI and setuptools. Jarek will tell you how he kept sanity while doing so while mostly single-handedly managing the environment, with non-stop development of Airflow through multiple releases. Apache Airflow is one of the biggest projects in PyPI when it comes to dependencies. Airflow itself consists of the main "Airflow" package but additionally to that Apache Airflow releases 70+ provider packages that give optional Airflow functionality. We regularly release - at least 20-30 packages a month (sometimes all 70+), and when you count all transitive dependencies we have way more than 500 (!) Python dependencies. It's so big that we broke PyPI after the new dependency resolver was introduced and got into an argument with PyPI maintainers, which finally led to building new friendships and helping PyPI become more stable and robust. The story is fascinating (for those who are fascinated by dependency hell management that is).



Zdjecie Konrad Gawda

Konrad Gawda Strona prelegenta

Python, Linux and Open Source proponent. Cloud Evangelist, Python trainer and programmer. Reportedly seen at Warsaw Python meetups since the first PyWaw meeting ever. Recognized as an Inland Sailor by the Polish Sailing Association and as an inventor by the US Patent Office.

Zdjecie Jarek Potiuk

Jarek Potiuk

Independent Open-Source Contributor and Advisor, Freelance. Jarek is an Engineer with a broad experience in many subjects - Open-Source, Cloud, Mobile, Robotics, AI, Backend, Developer Experience, but he also had a lot of non-engineering experience - running a company, being CTO, organizing big, international community events, technical sales support, pr and marketing advisory but also looking at legal aspect of licensing and building open-source communities are all under his belt. With the experience in very small and very big companies and everything in-between, Jarek found his place in the Open-Source world, where his internal individual-contributor drive can be used to the uttermost of the potential.


Sponsorzy spotkania

AXA Avanssur

Jako AXA Avanssur jesteśmy jedną ze spółek międzynarodowej Grupy AXA. Nasz zespół tworzy ponad 100 specjalistów IT realizujących projekty programistyczne dla zagranicznych spółek AXA w Europie od 2012 roku. Na co dzień pracujemy w małych zespołach, w języku angielskim, tworząc i rozwijając aplikacje webowe do sprzedaży i obsługi produktów ubezpieczeniowych w Wielkiej Brytanii, Irlandii i Francji, ale również do obrotu instrumentami finansowymi przez międzynarodową spółkę AXA Investment Managers. Pracujemy zgodnie z podejściem agile. Dzięki dużej swobodzie działania pobudzamy innowacyjność, kreatywność i motywację naszych pracowników, co pozwala elastycznie dostosowywać się do zmieniających się oczekiwań naszych partnerów biznesowych. Dbamy o to, aby nasze codzienne działania były oparte na dobrej współpracy w zespołach, otwartej komunikacji, proaktywności, otwartości na zmiany. Nasi pracownicy cały czas znajdują nowe możliwości rozwoju w ramach struktur wewnętrznych. Pracujemy w modelu hybrydowym z dużym naciskiem na pracę zdalną; nasze biuro znajduje się w Warszawie przy ul. Chłodnej 51 (okolice Ronda Daszyńskiego).


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Sunscrapers is a technology consultancy where the most driven and experienced engineers come together to solve meaningful challenges using software, data, and AI. We’re a team that values excellence, ambition, and trust, combining deep industry expertise with a passion for engineering to create high-impact software for finance and healthcare. At Sunscrapers, you’ll be part of a close-knit team of 40, where your work is valued and your growth is supported. We actively contribute to the engineering community through events, open-source projects, and our in-house R&D lab, giving you the chance to explore the latest technologies. We’re proud to maintain an eNPS above 70 and a 5/5 rating on Glassdoor, reflecting our commitment to creating an environment where everyone thrives. Join us, and be part of a culture that’s as focused on learning and growth as it is on delivering world-class solutions.



Lokalizacja Kawiarnia Hoża 51, Hoża 51, Warszawa